James Retherford : Old Skool Reunion!
'Feed Your Head!'
Rag Blog benefit is boffo bash
Photography by James Retherford / The Rag Blog / April 5, 2012
“Feed Your Head,” The Rag Blog's “Old Skool” April Fool's benefit bash, held on Sunday night, April 1, at Jovita’s in Austin, was a rousing success. Featuring memorable performances by historic Texas musicians Shiva’s Headband, Greezy Wheels, and Jesse Sublett -- and with legendary surrealist graphic artist Jim Franklin signing his commemorative poster -- the show drew a packed crowd of nostalgic revelers who came out to support The Rag Blog and Rag Radio and to just plain have fun.
Rag Blog art director Jim Retherford's gallery of photos, below, captures the spirit of the night and the character of the, well, characters in attendance.

The artist:

The celebrants:

The Rag Blog