14 February 2007

From Protest to Resistance

From Protest to Resistance - March 17 - 4th Anniversary of the Invasion
By Call for Action
Feb 14, 2007, 13:02

MARCH 17 - March on the Pentagon

on the 4th anniversary of the war

Come to Washington and
be prepared to


It's time to move from protest to resistance and force Congress to vote no to war funding.

* Immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq -- Out Now!
* End colonial occupation & imperialist aggression from Africa to Asia, from Iraq to Palestine, to Afghanistan, to Haiti, to the Philippines, to Puerto Rico
* No new wars against Iran, Syria, North Korea
* Hands off Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Lebanon
* Solidarity with immigrant workers and Katrina survivors
* Stop the war at home - Stop racist police terror - Stop ICE raids
* Military recruiters out of our schools and communities
* No draft - Education, not war

Troops Out Now Coalition
5C - Solidarity Center
55 W. 17th St.
NY NY 10011

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rage against the War Machine!

On March 17, 2007 tens of thousands of people from around the country will descend on the Pentagon in a mass demonstration to demand: U.S. Out of Iraq

Now! This year is the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. The message of the 1967 march

"From Protest to Resistance,

marked a turning point in the development of a countrywide mass movement.

In the coming days and weeks, thousands of organizations and individuals will begin mobilizing for the upcoming March on the Pentagon. Organizing committees and transportation centers are being established to bring people to the March on the Pentagon.

The March 17 demonstration will assemble at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Constitution Gardens) at 12 noon in Washington, D.C.and march to the Pentagon.

For more information, call any of the following telephone numbers:

Washington DC: 202-544-3389
New York City: 212.633.6646
Los Angeles: 323-464-1636
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
Chicago: 773-463-0311
Seattle: 206-568-1661

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