30 November 2011

Bill Meacham : What is Truth? (In 400 Words)

The Chinese character for truth.

(In 400 words)
What Is Truth?

By Bill Meacham /The Rag Blog/ November 30, 2011

Philosophy Now magazine runs an occasional contest: Write an answer to a philosophical question in 400 words or fewer. The winning essays are printed in the magazine. My essay in answer to the question “What is Truth” was selected[1], and I am pleased to present it here, followed by another winning essay by my colleague Robert “Little Bobby” Tables.

Several factors determine the truthfulness of a theory or an explanation of events: congruence, consistency, coherence, and usefulness.


Allen Young : Is 'Mic Check' Just 'Political Shouting?'

Image from Pragmatic Witness.

An email string:
Analyzing 'mic check'
Polarizing behavior, besides being wrong, simply creates more polarization...
By Allen Young / The Rag Blog / November 30, 2011

“Mic check,” as it is known, is short for “microphone check,” a name that was chosen with irony because in fact the speech amplification technique known as “mic check” was introduced by Occupy Wall Street activists in places where electronic sound systems and even bullhorns were not allowed.


Paul Rosenberg : American Deceptionalism

Photo by Gallo / Getty Images / Al Jazeera.

American Deceptionalism
Under the growing influence of the 1 per cent, American exceptionalism has become American deceptionalism.
By Paul Rosenberg / Progressive America Rising / November 30, 2011

From the dawn of the colonial era, long before they even had a national identity, Americans have always felt they had a special role in the world, though the exact nature of American exceptionalism has always been a matter of some dispute.


Robert Jensen : Occupy Congress

Norman Solomon. Image from Nation of Change.

Occupy Congress:
Norman Solomon sees a
role for progressive legislators

By Robert Jensen / The Rag Blog / November 30, 2011

Conventional politics in the United States focuses on elections, while left activists typically argue that political change comes not from electing better politicians but building movements strong enough to force politicians to accept progressive change.

Norman Solomon has concluded it isn’t either/or. A prominent writer and leader in left movements for decades, Solomon is running for Congress in the hopes of being practical and remaining principled.


29 November 2011

Marc Estrin : Who Needs Tear Gas?

"Port-A-Potty." Art by Ali Spagnola / alispagnola.com.

Who needs tear gas?
The switch from blameworthy military attack to invisible counterinsurgency is a smart one for cities and towns strapped for budget.
By Marc Estrin / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011

BURLINGTON, Vermont -- Nonchalantly pepper-spraying sitting students, or charging with batons swinging into nonviolent crowds, or middle-of-the-night attacks with gas canisters flying in the streetlights' glare don’t seem to be increasing the popularity of protectors and servers throughout the land.


Bob Feldman : Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876

The Freedman's Bureau in Texas. Image from Afrotexan.com.

The hidden history of Texas
Part VII: Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876/1
By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / October 26, 2011

[This is the first section of Part 7 of Bob Feldman's Rag Blog series on the hidden history of Texas.]

Just before the end of the U.S. Civil War in 1865, “the Confederate troops in Texas got out of hand and began rebelling and looting [in] towns like Houston [which] were burned,” according to W.E.B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction.


Jack A. Smith : The U.S. and Irreversible Climate Change

Cartoon from Saida Online.

With U.S. leading the way:
Irreversible climate change looms

By Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011

The Obama Administration has largely remained passive about the critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit catastrophic global warming.

Washington continues to insist upon exercising world leadership in all key global endeavors, including the environment, but has failed dramatically in terms of climate change.


Lamar W. Hankins : Ayn Rand and the Sophistry of the Libertarians

Art from Salon.

The sophistry of Ayn Rand libertarians
The profiteers, using libertarian justifications, help corporations dominate American life to satisfy their quest for greater profits.
By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / November 29, 2011

In 1964, I roomed with Wally. Wally had discovered Ayn Rand and talked frequently about rugged individualism -- his desire to be left alone by the state, by institutions, and by others to follow his own path. Wally thought no one should tell him what to do.


28 November 2011

Danny Schechter : The Media and Occupy Wall Street

Jon Stewart covers Wall Street coverage.

But for how long?
Occupy Wall Street is all over the media

By Danny Schechter / The Rag Blog / November 28, 2011

One of the oldest patterns of media coverage can be summed up this way:

First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they realize you are a story and fall in love. So they build you up but then, all at once, tear you down.


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