31 March 2009

Justifying Afghanistan: Obama's Got It Wrong

President Obama announces a new comprehensive strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Friday. Behind him, from left, are policy advisor Bruce Riedel, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen, National Security Advisor James Jones, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. AP Photo/Ron Edmonds.

Obama's domino theory
By Juan Cole / March 30, 2009

The president sounds like he's channeling Cheney or McCain -- or a Cold War hawk afraid of international communism -- when he talks about the war in Afghanistan.

President Barack Obama may or may not be doing the right thing in Afghanistan, but the rationale he gave for it on Friday is almost certainly wrong. Obama has presented us with a 21st century version of the domino theory. The U.S. is not, contrary to what the president said, mainly fighting "al-Qaida" in Afghanistan. In blaming everything on al-Qaida, Obama broke with his pledge of straight talk to the public and fell back on Bush-style boogeymen and implausible conspiracy theories.


Ric Sternberg Video : Million Musician March for Peace

"Bionic Ric" Sternberg played in the band and also filmed the Million Musicians March -- led by Grand Marshal Wavy Gravy -- on March 21, 2009, in Austin, Texas. Photo by Alan Pogue / The Rag Blog.

The Million Musician March:
Just Keepin' Austin Weird

By Ric Sternberg / The Rag Blog / March 31, 2009

On March 21, 2009, Instruments for Peace staged its annual Million Musician March for Peace. OK, so maybe there weren't a million, but hundreds of Austin's musicians and supporters marched from the Texas Capital building down to the City Hall. The parade snaked through Austin's live music district and many participants and attendees of the South by Southwest Music Festival hit the streets to cheer the marchers on. This is Part 1 of my coverage of the event: excerpts from the pre-march rally and concert on the Capital steps.

Next is Part 2 of my coverage of the event: excerpts from the march and an exciting melding as the parade reaches City Hall and Carolyn Wonderland, Guy Forsythe and Shelley King join that marching band in a jumping version of "Down by the Riverside." (Part 3 is still to come.)


The Last Slow Dance : Texas' Angry Prophet of Climate Change

Illustration by Chuck Kerr / San Antonio Current.
Climate-changing events are happening on a much larger scale, and much sooner, than we had earlier thought possible.
By The Rag Blog / March 31, 2009
See 'Last chance for a slow dance? All the world fiddles as we near global warming’s point of no return,' by Greg Harman, Below.
I recommend the following article from the San Antonio Current, about the efforts of Texas environmental activist Jere Locke -- to all those who may sometimes find themselves wondering whether the truth on climate change is to be found in the middle ground between those sounding increasingly loud alarms and those saying it's all an exaggeration. Not.


30 March 2009

'Rednecks' and Greens Beat Big Coal in Appalachia

A mountaintop removal coal mining operation near Blair, West Virginia. Photo by The National Memorial for the Mountains.

Mountaintop removal receives major setback:
Blair Mountain in West Virginia named to National Register of Historic Places

By Jeff Biggers / March 30, 2009

After 500 mountains in Appalachia have been blown to bits by mountaintop removal, one peak was most likely saved today: Blair Mountain in West Virginia, the site of the largest armed insurrection in the United States since the Civil War, was officially approved by the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places to be placed on the National Register.

This is a huge victory, as the tide continues to turn in the movement to stop mountaintop removal in Appalachia.


Another Almost Forgotten Story of a Silent Hero

Alice Coy cries for help as she holds her hand over the head wound of British peace activist Thomas Hurndall, who had been shot in the head moments earlier in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Friday, April 11, 2003. Thomas Hurndall, age 21, from Manchester, England, had been standing between Israeli troops and Palestinian children when Israeli soldiers opened fire. Photo: AP Photo/Khalil Hamra.

A brave man who stood alone. If only the world had listened to him
By Robert Fisk / March 28, 2009

I wish I had met Tom Hurndall, a remarkable man of remarkable principle

I don't know if I met Tom Hurndall. He was one of a bunch of "human shields" who turned up in Baghdad just before the Anglo-American invasion in 2003, the kind of folk we professional reporters make fun of. Tree huggers, that kind of thing. Now I wish I had met him because – looking back over the history of that terrible war – Hurndall's journals (soon to be published) show a remarkable man of remarkable principle. "I may not be a human shield," he wrote at 10.26 on 17 March from his Amman hotel. "And I may not adhere to the beliefs of those I have travelled with, but the way Britain and America plan to take Iraq is unnecessary and puts soldiers' lives above those of civilians. For that I hope that Bush and Blair stand trial for war crimes."


BOOKS / Jonah Raskin on Mark Rudd : Underground, Again

Underground, Again
Mark Rudd’s 'Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen'

A charismatic individual with very little sustained radical organizing, he came out of nowhere at a crucial moment in the 1960s and was instantly catapulted into the national spotlight.
By Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog / March 30, 2009

[Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen, by Mark Rudd, published by William Morrow, March 24, 2009.]

In the beginning was the underground. Indeed, the “underground” as a form of resistance to established power is a thread that runs through the centuries. Specific, historical undergrounds have existed whenever and wherever “the state” has existed. If there are police, prisons and judges, there will be undergrounds – oppositions that are clandestine, and invisible. It’s in the nature of human beings the world over to form secret organizations, and networks aimed at sabotaging the structures of society: the military, the work place, the church, and the family.


Thomas Good : An Interview With Mark Rudd

Mark Rudd speaks at the West End Bar in New York last week. Photo by Thomas Good / NLN.
Beneath the gray beard and the wrinkles I could clearly see the boyish face of the 20-year-old SDS leader.
By Thomas Good / The Rag Blog / March 30, 2009
See Thomas Good's interview with Mark Rudd, Below.
[Thomas Good is the editor of Next Left Notes, where this interview also appears.]

I first photographed Mark Rudd in 2006, at Drew University. I was struck immediately by something trapped in the lens of my camera: the 60-year-old face of Rudd contained a hidden image. Beneath the gray beard and the wrinkles I could clearly see the boyish face of the 20-year-old SDS leader. When I mentioned this to Mark he agreed immediately -- Rudd’s boyish enthusiasm had not dissipated with age.


29 March 2009

Agriculture’s Ponzi Scheme


Cookies or Fish?
By Janet Gilles / The Rag Blog / March 29, 2009

After World War II, starvation was a real danger, and calories were in short supply. The United States Dept of Agriculture put in place subsidies to grow calories, which have evolved to this day to a system exactly contrary to what is needed.


Children of Inmates: A Problem Needing a Solution

Children of inmates play during a party for the children inside Santa Monica women's prison in Lima, September 25, 2008. The prison allows children of the inmates to stay with their mothers till they are three years old. There are currently 50 children in the prison. Photo: Reuters Pictures.

Julia Steiny: Zero-tolerance policies wreak havoc on children’s education
By Julia Steiny / March 29, 2009

There are children who matter so little that no government agency even bothers to count or keep statistical track of them. They are the children of prisoners. Nationally, the justice systems have no interest in how children or families are affected by an offending parent’s imprisonment. The state ensures that the sins of the father are visited upon the son.


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