30 September 2010

Marc Estrin : Holocaust Thinking in America I: The Authoritarian Personality

What is the limit of obedience? Illustration of the setup of a Milgram experiment (see below). Created by Wapcaplet in Inkscape / Wikimedia Commons.

Holocaust thinking in America I:
The Authoritarian Personality

My Marc Estrin / The Rag Blog / September 30, 2010

[Part one of three.]

So now, in place of Newt Gingrich's 1994 Contract With America (aka Contract On America) we have the new GOP Pledge to America. Not unlike the current design, the rich are to get richer, and the poor to get sick, become homeless, starve, or shatter in endless wars.

The comparison of our American trajectory with the tactics and strategy of Germany in the late 1930s is more striking now than ever. We would do well to study this era carefully for a possible glimpse of our own future. Those targeted are no longer just our dispossessed, reviled and outcast -- our "jews" -- but much of the American (and of course world) population.


Bill Freeland : Electric Cars Not All That 'Green'

Graphic by Bill Freeland / The Rag Blog.

All-electric cars:
The not-so-green alternative

By Bill Freeland / The Rag Blog / September 30, 2010
Conventional wisdom has just assumed electric cars are clean because there's no tailpipe. So the focus has only been on convenience and cost. We need to go back to square one and ask: what's the point, since they're no cleaner than what we already have -- plus they have a short range and long recharge times.
With new all-electric vehicles (EV's to the trade) soon coming to market, there’s a drumbeat building that proclaims them the next stage of the green revolution. They promise a convenient, cost-effective and clean alternative to the gas guzzlers we’ve been hoping to replace for years.

The only problem: the data so far show that none of this is true. Most surprising, going electric is at least as bad for the environment as staying with the fuel-efficient, gas-powered cars on the road today.


29 September 2010

Thomas McKelvey Cleaver : 'I Agree With President Obama'

Photograph by Mark Seliger /RollingStone.com.

Put aside the President's botch-ups:
We cannot 'stand on the sidelines'

The Republicans are dedicated now to overthrowing everything I have worked for or supported for the past half century.
By Thomas McKelvey Cleaver / The Rag Blog / September 29, 2010

Let me just say that, as a person who has been politically active for change in this country for 45 years, I have had a rough time in the period since President Obama's inauguration last year, watching things go as they have, particularly since I invested so much time and energy into working for his election.

I can specifically look at the botch-up of the fight over health care, the way the President ignored the base and let the organization he had built for the campaign turn into nothing when it could have been used across the country to build the kind of support that could have led to a really worthwhile health care reform.


Dr. Stephen R. Keister : On Biden's Blaming the Base

Joe Biden, at a Manchester, NH, fundraiser on Sept. 27, 2010, told the Democratic base to "stop whining." Photo from AP.

'Perhaps I grow testy':
On Obama and Biden blaming the Democratic base

By Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag Blog / September 29, 2010
[On Sept. 27] at a fundraiser in Manchester, NH, Vice President Biden urged Democrats to "remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This President has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises."
[On Sept. 20] at the Pyramid Club in Philadelphia, President Obama said “when I hear Democrats griping and groaning and saying, ‘Well, you know, the health care plan didn’t have a public option' .... or this or that or the other -- I say, folks, wake up... This is not some academic exercise. ”
Perhaps I grow testy in my old age, but I am very much bothered by the statements of President Obama and Vice President Biden demeaning their progressive supporters and the young activists who brought them to office.

To place the blame on the progressives within the Democratic party for their own lack of insight -- and their pandering to the Republicans and "Blue Dogs" -- strains credulity and reason. Once again Casandra is ignored with, I fear, potential results comparable to the fall of Troy come the election five weeks away.


Greg Moses : Saad Nabeel, the Sophomore Who Isn't

Saad Nabeel: An education interrupted.

The sophomore who isn’t:
How Saad Nabeel's freshman year got ICE'd

By Greg Moses / The Rag Blog / September 29, 2010
See Saad Nabeel video, Below.
[See Greg Moses' earlier articles about Saad Nabeel on The Rag Blog here.]

As the 2009 graduates of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas begin their sophomore year of college under new stresses of time and study, they do not forget that their classmate Saad Nabeel never got to finish the first semester of his freshman year. And Nabeel’s immigration advocate Ralph Isenberg says the young man’s abrupt deportation last year was so unfair and illegal that he should be immediately restored to his college career in the USA.


28 September 2010

James McEnteer : Feeling Trapped?

Traffic jam in China. Photo from MSN.

Feeling trapped?
Miner problems, major paralysis
We may not be hung up in a Chilean copper mine or a Chinese traffic jam, but we're stuck just the same in our own intractable dilemmas...
By James McEnteer / The Rag Blog / September 28, 2010

Today is sunny and warm where I happen to be, with a light breeze, perfect for riding bikes with the dogs, enjoying a cool swim and eating lunch outside under the trees.

But for 33 Chilean miners trapped more than 2,000 feet below the earth's surface since August 5, it's been 50-odd days since they've seen sunlight or taken a breath of fresh air. Alive and uninjured, they can now communicate with their families and get food. But they are trapped.


27 September 2010

Carl Davidson : Mondragon Diaries III: Visions of the Future

Otalora: This old blockhouse fortress now houses a worker-owned credit union. Image from Udalatx / Flickr.

Mondragon Diaries, Day Three
Visions of the future, ties to the past:
Tools for shaping organization for tomorrow

By Carl Davidson / The Rag Blog / September 27, 2010

[This is the third of a five-part series by Carl Davidson about the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, a 50-year-old network of nearly 120 factories and agencies, involving nearly 100,000 workers -- centered in the the Basque Country but now spanning the globe. Go here for the series so far.]

BASQUE COUNTRY, Spain -- This morning our bus again takes us far up the winding mountain road to the 15th Century blockhouse fortress now transformed into a conference center. I've since found out it's called Otalora, after an old noble family that owned the whole area reaching back 600 years. In those days, in was an armed way station on a trade route between the center of Spain and the sea, and the Otalora family extracted heavy taxes on the traffic going both ways.


FILM / Danny Schechter : Stone's 'Wall Street' Sequel Goes Soft

Journalist, author, Emmy winning television producer, and independent filmmaker Danny Schechter will be Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio on KOOP 91.7 FM in Austin, Tuesday, September 28, 2-3 p.m. (CST). To stream Rag Radio live, go here. To listen to this show after the broadcast, or to listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio, go here.
'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps'
Oliver Stone's sequel misses the mark

By Danny Schechter / The Rag Blog / September 27, 2010
Lack of focus on corruption mars Stone's new Wall Street movie. It's heavy on atmosphere, light on anger.
The lead headline in The New York Times is “Extensive Fraud Appears to Mar Afghan Election." The line below is "A Blow to Credibility," as if anyone who follows Afghanistan, a country known for blatant and notorious corruption, would be at all surprised by this latest “blow.” This “blow” followed an earlier “blow” a few weeks back with the disclosure of the crash of the Kabul Bank with $300 billion still unaccounted for.


Harvey Wasserman : 'Pebble Bed' Nuke Bites the Dust

The "Pebble Bed" design. Graphic from Anthonares.

No go for 'Pebble Bed' nukes:
South Africa ditches much-hyped technology

By Harvey Wasserman / The Rag Blog / September 27, 2010

As the "reactor renaissance" desperately demands new billions from a lame duck Congress, one of its shining stars has dropped dead. Other much-hyped "new generation" plans may soon die with it.

For years "expert" reactor backers have touted the "Pebble Bed" design as an "inherently safe" alternative to traditional domed light water models. Now its South African developers say they're done pouring money into it.


26 September 2010

Hugh O'Shaughnessy: Former Guerrilla Rousseff Set to Lead Brazil

Dilma Rousseff: Brazil's next president? Photo from Menas Associates.

Brazil's Dilma Rousseff:
Former guerrilla in line to be
world's most powerful woman

By Hugh O'Shaughnessy / September 16, 2010
See 'Female representation: A woman's place... is in the government,' Below.
The world's most powerful woman will start coming into her own next weekend. Stocky and forceful at 63, this former leader of the resistance to a Western-backed military dictatorship (which tortured her) is preparing to take her place as President of Brazil.

As head of state, president Dilma Rousseff would outrank Angela Merkel, Germany's Chancellor, and Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State: her enormous country of 200 million people is reveling in its new oil wealth. Brazil's growth rate, rivaling China's, is one that Europe and Washington can only envy.


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