10 September 2008

Alice Embree : Lipstick on a Capitalist Pig!!

Long Live the Capitalist Pig / Tattoo art by Eduardo Lecleres / Pure Body Arts, Brooklyn

'It’s not about the lipstick, friends. It’s about the pig'
By Alice Embree / The Rag Blog / September 10, 2008

OK. So maybe people in other parts of the country haven’t heard about putting lipstick on a pig before. It’s not about the lipstick, friends. It’s about the pig.

Pigs!! Remember? Capitalist Pigs; Male Chauvinist Pigs.

The people who get in the trough and eat voraciously. Muscle out everyone else; make off with profits to places they can’t be taxed; take jobs and leave factory skeletons behind; milk the housing market and depend on the government to assume all that private risk they crow about. The pigs in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the new robber barons, making money hand over fist while people can’t get health care.

It’s about the pigs. The ones in the White House. The mean ones like Karl Rove who enjoy trough politics. The ones who take us into opportunistic wars, outsourcing to Halliburton and Blackwater as they go, declaring “Mission Accomplished” when they topple a statue. The ones who’ve let the bodies stack up for eight years – in Iraq, in New Orleans.

They win when the entire media is talking about “lipstick politics.” This is about pig politics.

Frankly, I’m getting tired of nice guy, reasonable responses. Pigs don’t understand them. I don’t understand them. The guys in power should be run out on a rail. The reasonable thing to do with them is have them stand trial, but stupid diversions about “lipstick politics” are making me feel entirely unreasonable.

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