IMPEACHMENT FLASHMOB (1,200 people plus helicopter)
Sat, Jan 6, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, 10:30 a.m.
On Saturday, January 6, 2007 (just two days after the new US Congress convenes), 1,200 people will gather for a (Park Service-permitted) impeachment event in Nancy Pelosi's back yard -- on Ocean Beach in San Francisco.
Early that morning, in 100-foot letters stretching 450 feet across the sand, volunteers from the Beach Impeach Project will outline the message:
At 10:30 a.m., the 1,200 attendees will arrive and lay their bodies down inside the message's lettering. At 11 o'clock a helicopter will arrive overhead and photographers will record the 1,200 bodies in the sand -- IMPEACH! -- with the San Francisco skyline and the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
News editors will have compelling photos for the next morning's Sunday papers; the nation and world will have convincing evidence of how badly the American people (even Ms. Pelosi's own constituency) want their leaders held accountable for the Iraq disaster; and the impeachment movement will have powerful visuals to go with the words and chatter swirling in the air for months and months now.