11 July 2012

Kate Braun: New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo, 2010. Image from Letting Go.

Moon Musings:
New Moon in Leo
(July 19, 2012)

By Kate Braun / The Rag Blog / July 11, 2012

There is only one day on which to celebrate the New Moon in July 2012: Thursday, July 19.

Thursday is Thor’s day, and this New Moon is in Leo; please take into account all the active masculine energy that surrounds this New Moon as you plan your celebrations. Using the colors white (for pure intent), orange (to attract success), blue (for strength and confidence) and purple (for spiritual inspiration) may assist you in maintaining a proper balance.

Thursday is under the governance of Jupiter, so rituals for success involving money, legal matters, and religious or spiritual matters will be more effective. Involving water in your activities, and repeating any chants or incantations four times is highly recommended.

New Moons are times to start new projects, times to honor all Goddess-as-virgin deities such as Kali, Banshee, Diana, and Hecate. This moon phase is ideal for beginning a weight-loss program, setting and stating new goals, clearing your mind and personal space, releasing the Old to make room for the New.

Focusing on health and self-improvement, job-hunting, goal-setting, and beginnings of all kinds should bring positive results. Perhaps this is why it is considered lucky to move into a new abode during the New Moon: success tends to increase as the moon waxes.

One way to organize your new beginnings is to write down in a notebook one major and two minor goals you would like to see accomplished by the next New Moon. Keep this notebook near your bed and each night, before going to sleep, hold the notebook while visualizing the completion of these goals. Any dreams that come that seem relevant to the goals as you have stated them should be recorded in this notebook, as should any progress or lack of progress as you pursue these goals.

Moon lore says that to dream of a clear moon is an indicator of success and that a New Moon in your dreams is an indicator of increased wealth and/or a happy marriage; if you dream of a moon, be sure to write down the dream in your notebook for future pondering.

Another piece of New Moon lore informs us that it is considered unlucky to point at the New Moon or to view it over your shoulder. Face the New Moon. Open wide your arms and heart and head to her energy. Let that energy fill you to the brim and even spill over to splash about your feet. Pouring some water over your bare feet onto Mother Earth as you honor Lady Moon will not only cool your feet but also bring additional feminine energies into your activities.

[Kate Braun's website is www.tarotbykatebraun.com. She can be reached at kate_braun2000@yahoo.com. Read more of Kate Braun's writing on The Rag Blog.]

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